Detailed Game Information

X Zone

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Players: Single Player Only

D-Pad/JoyStick Required: Unsure

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Quick! Get that blaster off your shoulder and zero in on your target with the first Super Scope game using on screen cross hair sights. The nation's main frame bio computer wants to x-terminate Earth. Your mission, should you x-cept it: infiltrate the x-tra defenses, x-plode the overseer's drones and moles that want to make you x-tinct. And x-ray the buggy bio brain with a couple of nuclear weapons. It's an x-plosive situation that only the truly x-cellent can survive.

Category and Status
Light Gun
Front Ends
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Dpad/Joystick Required?
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Links to Front Ends and Light Guns are provided above but this doesn't mean we guarantee compatibility. You still need to complete your own research as to whether the gun hardware will work with this game title.