
Member Competitions

From time to time, the team at Light Gun Lunatics run competitions for our all our valued members. New competitions are usually announced by one of the Admins on our Facebook page, where we encourage community members to play a nominated game.

For each competition, we'll post specific rules (eg. what mode, level, skill setting, etc) along with a deadline for when you must submit your entry. The winner usually receives some sort of award to give them brownie points with the rest of our lunatics.

Are you the ultimate sniper?

Competition 3: Blamcon Shooting Gallery
Blamcon Shooting GalleryOpens: Sunday, 21 April 2024

To celebrate the 3,000 member milestone, we bring you the next Light Gun Lunatics contest!

For the next 6 weeks, post a gameplay video of your best score of the Blamcon Shooting Gallery to the Facebook thread linked below and on June 1 the best scores will win:

  • 1st Prize: A custom Blamcon Vyper package with a Lunatics-themed design (you will need to be somewhere we can send it)
  • 2nd Prize: A 2TB Light Gun Drive from
  • 3rd Prize: Some awesome Light Gun Lunatics swag from Retro Rebels
All this could be yours so good luck to all our Facebook members.

- Crosshairs can be ON or OFF
- You must reload via either gun button or shooting off-screen (automatic reload is not allowed)

Download the free Blamcon Shooting Gallery from Steam

Competition Closed

🏆 We have a winner!

With a fabulous score of 11,600 points, our winner is once again Scott Hamilton! Second place went to Chico Ramos (9,420) and third place to Oscar Parsons (7,950) 👏


While we value all participants and entries, it is important to note that Light Gun Lunatics reserves the right to make the final decision on all matters related to these competitions. This includes, but is not limited to, selecting the winners, disqualifying entries and interpreting the rules and guidelines of the competition.