Detailed Game Information

Drug Wars

Thumbnail image for Drug Wars

Players: Maximum of 2 Players

D-Pad/JoyStick Required: Unsure

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Drug Wars (also known as Crime Patrol 2: Drug Wars) is a live-action laserdisc video game, released by American Laser Games in 1993. It was subsequently ported to the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer and CD-i. As the title implies, it is the sequel to the relatively popular arcade game Crime Patrol, with very similar gameplay, objectives and scenery. The game was re-released by Digital Leisure in 2002.

American Laser Game
Category and Status
Light Gun
Front Ends
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Dpad/Joystick Required?
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Links to Front Ends and Light Guns are provided above but this doesn't mean we guarantee compatibility. You still need to complete your own research as to whether the gun hardware will work with this game title.