Detailed Game Information

Medal of Honor: Heroes 2

Thumbnail image for Medal of Honor: Heroes 2

Players: Maximum of 32 Players

D-Pad/JoyStick Required: Unsure

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In the sequel to the PSP-exclusive Medal of Honor: Heroes, players take the role of OSS Operative John Berg during the Normandy campaign of June 1944 in eight missions. He needs to get behind enemy lines and prevent Hitler from deploying the V2 rocket, with the help of US troopers. The story is told through briefings with still voices and narrated voice-overs. Next to the classic first-person shooting gameplay true to the series, the Wii version offers a new, more accessible mode with on-rails shooting - the computer handles the movement while players only need to aim and shoot. In the regular mode, players move around with the analog stick, look around with the Wii remote, lean with the Nunchuk and fire with the B-button, a departure from the control system introduced in Medal of Honor: Vanguard. The game also offers a lock-on system with the Z-button. Alternately, players can use the Wii Zapper to aim and shoot.

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Links to Front Ends and Light Guns are provided above but this doesn't mean we guarantee compatibility. You still need to complete your own research as to whether the gun hardware will work with this game title.