Detailed Game Information

Freedom Force

Thumbnail image for Freedom Force

Players: Maximum of 2 Players

D-Pad/JoyStick Required: Unsure

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Players assume the role of an anti-terrorist gunman who must kill terrorists without shooting any of their hostages. The game has different levels, including an airport that has been taken over by the terrorists and a city street. The game does have some blood, but it lacks gore; a small red splotch will appear on the chest of the targets that are hit. The screen scrolls from left to right, with terrorists or hostages popping out of windows and doors. Unlike other shooters, the powerups (being either energy, ammo or weapons) are obtained by shooting the lower-right box when an item appears there.

Category and Status
Light Gun
Front Ends
Light Gun Options
Dpad/Joystick Required?
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Links to Front Ends and Light Guns are provided above but this doesn't mean we guarantee compatibility. You still need to complete your own research as to whether the gun hardware will work with this game title.