Detailed Game Information

Major Militia - War Mayhem

Thumbnail image for Major Militia - War Mayhem

Players: Unknown

D-Pad/JoyStick Required: Unsure

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Save the world by completing intense missions and become the ultimate action hero in Major Militia! Dodge the bullets, rescue hostages, and travel around the world to protect it from Evil Forces! Run and gun your way by shooting enemies and embark on a gun shooting action you will never forget!

Category and Status
Light Gun
Front Ends
Light Gun Options
Dpad/Joystick Required?
File Search Options
Comments, setup guides etc.
Credit Sinden Wiki - works for other gun hardware
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Links to Front Ends and Light Guns are provided above but this doesn't mean we guarantee compatibility. You still need to complete your own research as to whether the gun hardware will work with this game title.